Horizontal machining center is applicable for varlous mechanical manufacture indudtries such as avation, auto, mold, ship- building, elect ro-machinery, machine tool printing light textile etc. It is mainly used for multi-variety machining such as medium and small parts, mold etc. Work-plececan effectively, precisely and continuously complete mulit-side, mult -process machining after one- shot clamping. shortens produuction cycle. Therefore the users can get good economical benefits.
MH series products apply the most advanced design, machining and manufacture technologles It is one of independent property right producta that have been designed and developed by our company. Machine tool applies electro-mechanic- integrant ion structure Therefore machine tool structural design is morerationaL. Machine tool rigidity accuracy class, rellabilityare nearly perfect. Through in troducing the advanced design concept and sclentific design means, it solves shortages in trad itional design, It has the advantages such as high precislon high rotating speed, high effclency ect