• Setting tool lengths in Z.
• Setting rotating tools in X and Y for radius
• Tool breakage detection.
The probe body is fully adjustable to enable the stylus
tip to be aligned with the machine's axes. The probe
mechanism is protected from hot chips and coolant
by an outer metal eyelid and inner flexible seal. The
base T bolt is clamped in a machine table T slot.
Disc styli Ø12.7 mm (Ø0.5 in), or square styli
19.05 mm × 19.05 mm (0.75 in × 0.75 in) are
available. The stylus mounting allows styli to be
A weak link break stem protection device is
incorporated in the stylus mounting to protect the
probe mechanism from damage in the event of
excessive stylus overtravel or a collision. A captive
link secures the stylus to the probe if the break stem
is broken in the event of excessive stylus overtravel.
Achievable set-up tolerances
The achievable tolerance setting of tools depends
upon the flatness and parallelism of the stylus tip
setting. A value of 5 μm front to back and side to side
is easily achievable over the flat portion of the stylus
tip (5 μm parallelism with the axes of square tip styli is
sufficient for the majority of tool setting applications).