■Adequate nb layout and ngity bed structure with low center of gravity are derived by design
■Smooth Vertical feed as atached automatic weight balance unit
■Designed overhanging type V-V sliding structure table realizes high precision operation in both high and low speed
■Cross feed and table feed axds movement can be contolled in front side of the machine
■Easy operalion for vertical feed is control realzed
■Extremely smooth and stable traverse of table ensures fine grinding results (Double Cylinder)
■The taveling column assures unobstructed access to work ervelop even with exta large workplece and in-process inspection
■Magnet chuck or workplece to operator d stance rema ns constant resulting in optimum operator convenlence. safety and operabon
■MPG for vertical feed gives the operator nessary mobility for wheel head grinding start positioning during set-Uup (Standard)
■Separate hydraulec tank and oll temperature radiator system avolds the transmission of heat and vibration to the machine. (Standard)
■Centrlized control panel for easy operation
■Table movements revers ble by proximity sensor
■Column movements reversi ble by Enoder (Memory section Setting)
■Completely dust prool construction for slide ways