Hydraulic rocker drilling column clamp tight and troubleshooting
Cause analysis: spring 3 screws on the tune too much, so that the upright post too much, rhombic block clamping mechanism cannot be inside and outside column with conical compression; adjusting nut 6 adjustable inappropriate, so that the lever 13 and the shell creates a gap between; hydraulic system in the oil pressure is too small, cannot push oil cylinder set the piston is rhombic block, not in the clamping position.
Elimination: reset spring board by screws, but to ensure that the rocker arm during a release of the force, and then adjust the column on the nut so that the clamping force to reach 1568N ( in the arm end thrust ) and then screw locknut; if the column is released is light, to adjusting nut 6, reduce the gap between the lever and the housing, then the nut 7 of 4 screws; adjusting hydraulic system of pressure oil assurance in 245-291x10000pa or replace the oil in the oil tank.
Note: screws, nuts see manual annotation
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