- 產(chǎn)品描述
- Introduction; Our power meter is water currency cooled power meter, it can measure up to 200w laser with good water
- currency. It has big target area,high respond speed ,high accuracy ,good repeating usage . It use red led
- screen to show the laser power, it is very convenient to read and necessary in laser lab and factory.
- Parameters:
- testing range:1-200w
- Testing accuracy:+/-5%
- Respond time: within 15seconds
- Target area diameter:26mm
- .wave length range:1.06um,10.6um,0.4-10.6um can be measured , have to be set up separately.
- One time work hour: 24 hours continually with water currency.
- Damage factors: beam diameter above 5-8mm, 1000w;beam dia below 2mm ,100w;without water currency for 20 seconds.
三:usage direction
- press the key on the the panel, the screen will show 0
- Put the power meter detector before the output end of the laser, make sure the laser beam goes to the center of the target area.
- Put the detector close to the output end, in case the laser beam goes bent.
- Read the number on the led screen when the laser goes to the target area, the number on the screen may increase ,
- the biggest number is the power of the laser.
- When testing high power laser, try to shorten the testing time, like test 100w laser, can last to the last digit stable.
- 500w when the the second digit from right stable.1000w when the second digit from the right increase
- slowly then several numbers later, stop. In all try to short the testing time in case the detector temperature too high
- , and damage the power meter.
- Owing to small weight, the detector temperature can increase quickly, we can cool them by air cooling , like fans or wet cloth.,when use wet cloth don't let water on the target area, the power meter can be used again after this.
- When the screen shows +, it means the battery is low, please change the battery.
- When change the batteries, open the two screws at the bottom of the back cover..then pull the forward cover
- backward, then turn. Then change the batteries is ok. The batteries is 12v.
- Water currency: can have the water currency separately, can also use the same cooling water with the laser,
- the laser water output end connect to the power meter water entrance ,the power meter water output connect to
- the chiller.power meter's water end is the same don't have entrance and exit difference.