Modular system:
The NILES-SIMMONS N?series fea-tures a dis-crete range of CNC Slant-Bed Lathes, in five sizes from N10 to N50. The modu-lar machi-nes have been con-cei-ved for effi-ci-ent tur-ning ope-ra-ti-ons for work pie-ces up to 1,250 mm swing dia-me-ter and a tur-ning length of 7,500 mm.
Added value:
- Com-pre-hen-sive range of machi-nes with cus-to-mi-zed design solutions
- High per-ma-nent accu-racy at high cut-ting loads and long ser-vice lifetime
- Mini-mi-zed down time thanks to high acce-le-ra-tion rates and rapid axis feed rates
- Enhan-ced pro-duc-ti-vity thanks to ‘tailor-made’ pro-cess applications
- Hard-tur-ning to sub-sti-tute the grin-ding process
- Resource-effi-ci-ent app-li-ca-ti-ons, eco-lo-gi-cally bene-fi-cial dry-machining
- Cus-to-mi-zed auto-ma-tion solu-ti-ons and work hand-ling systems