High versatility in accordance with production needs
Brema Eko 2.2 is the new compact and versatile vertical boring machine with reduced footprint, for machining panels of different thickness and sizes. The ideal solution for “just in time" production, even for the most complex routing machining processes. Compact power
Brema vertical boring machines can carry out all boring,milling and glue and dowel insertion operations, as wellas boasting the ability to manage additional hardwareinserts. The structure of these machines has beendesigned to achieve optimal loading and unloadingergonomics, with a small footprint which saves50% of space, in addition to offering zeroset-up times and high levelsof productivity. Maximum machine configurability, in accordance with production requirements
Cutting machine with integrated C-axis (optional)
The machine’s structure andcomponents guarantee the highestlevel of precision for any typeof machining operation.
Maximum manufacturing efficiency thanks to the elimination of set-up times
Work table
The work table is fitted with a counterpressuresystem that keeps the panel inposition and perfectly aligned along its entireuseful height, in accordance with thethickness of the machined piece, ensuringmaximum precision.
HP Kit
The High Performance Kit for the accelerated managementof gripper movement along the X-axis allowsfor speeds of up to 110 m/min with rapid accelerationramps. The kit helps significantly increase machineproductivity thanks to the greater speed with which thepanel movement and gripper repositioning phases areexecuted.