The 508TB2 machining center is dedicated to the production of turbine blades from 20 to 120 mm in length.
This machine is the perfect solution for aeronautical applications (compressor stage blades and turbine blades). In order to offer manufacturers a turnkey solution, Willemin-Macodel works in close cooperation with designers on an international scale.
This has resulted in the creation of high-performance adaptive machining solutions. After acquiring the geometry of the workpiece mounted on the machine, the program will calculate a new toolpath matching the theoretical points with the probed points. This method has been specifically adapted for forged or precision cast parts characterized by very fine machined surfaces, and for secondary operation.
Benefiting from the latest technological developments and Willemin-Macodel's comprehensive expertise in high-precision machining, the 508TB is perfect for cutting-edge industries such as the aerospace sector and high-precision mechanical sub-contracting.
Other characteristics
- Milling up to 30,000 rpm
- "High Torque" powered spindle with HSK-A40 interface
- A1 axis horizontal divider, ? 260 mm plate
- A2 axis horizontal divider, A4 interface or tailstock center
- High-precision direct drive dividers, resolution 0.0001°
- U axis pickup slideway, 360 mm travel
- Variable blade length, 20 mm to 120 mm
- B axis angular movement -45 ° to +115 °
- 48-position tool magazine (72 positions optional)
- Central coolant programmable up to 80 bar
- Footprint approx 4.2 m2