COVID 19 pandemic situation
閱讀:241 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-7-21To all our business partners
We at GF Machining Solutions are committed to securing a safe and sustainable environment for our customers, partners and employees. In response to the spreading of the corona virus we would like to inform you about the current delivery capacity and measures taken at GF Machining Solutions. With our global and divers production setup we are, as of today, capable to produce and deliver machines, spare parts and services.
We are strictly complying with local and national authorities to limit the spread of the virus, while continuing to support the needs of the market. We have taken the necessary precautions to ensure the health and welfare of our communities, and we have implemented actions across our organization to allow us to carry on critical operations.
As a global organization GF has introduced measures to mitigate the spread of the virus:
- Business trips are strictly limited to business critical trips (e.g. service engineers)
- Extended home office has been implemented in many locations
- Visits to our facilities from 3rd parties are strictly prohibited, exceptions can be only approved by management
- Company restaurants and cafeterias are either closed or follow stringent guidelines such as limited occupancy
- Depending on location, teams are being split in redundant groups
- Personal interaction between managers and their deputies is minimized
- Adjusted cleaning routine and disinfection of high-traffic objects several times per day
The measures might vary, depending on local regulations and recommendations.
Some of our plants run on a limited capacity as we react to border closures and other constraints. As we weigh and evaluate actions and policies our first and foremost goal is protect our employees and partners. The international restrictions regarding transportation and other limitations might cause delays, but we will stay in close contact with our customers to keep you informed.
As regulations and policies of governments change daily, we can't make any guarantees about our delivery capacity, but we can assure you that we do our utmost to support you and your organization.
We wish you all the best and hope that you, your family, colleagues and employees stay healthy.
Best regards
Pascal Boillat
President, GF Machining Solutions?