Turnkey – Railway
- From the initial inquiry to the turn-key delivery
- sin-gle machi-nes with manual loading for repair shops up to highly effi-ci-ent pro-duc-tion lines with auto-ma-tic gan-try loading and inte-gra-ted mea-su-ring and tes-ting processes
- Over-all respon-si-bi-lity is in the hands of the NSH-Group
- Coope-ra-tion with lea-ding com-pa-nies in the ger-man and inter-na-tio-nal machine tool indus-try, and with com-pa-nies spe-cia-li-zed in auto-ma-tion tech-no-logy, mea-su-ring and tes-ting tech-no-logy, and sup-ply technology
- The RQ models are the tech-no-logy car-ri-ers for manu-fac-tu-ring and rede-signing rail-way wheels for a variety of work-shops and pro-duc-tion lines
Pro-duc-tion lines for new and main-tai-ned wheels, axles & wheel sets
Added value
- With a high per-cen-tage of own machines
- Pro-ject manage-ment and financing
- Work piece-rela-ted pro-duc-tion and test planing
- Part-flow and part hand-ling concept
- Pro-cess simu-la-tion and pro-cess-flow control
- Lay-out and shop design
- Equip-ment spe-ci-fi-ca-tion and sourcing
- Uti-lity plan-ning and supply
- Ship-ping logistic planning
- Systme instal-la-tion and ramp-up
- Per-for-mance test accord-ing to agreed parameters