N30 MCM | N50 MCM
![Prototyping von Kurbelwellen / Crankshaft Prototyping](
The NILES-SIMMONS MCM Multi-Slide Machi-ning Cen-tres are desi-gned for com-plete machi-ning of cranks-hafts. App-li-ca-ti-ons range from pro-to-typ-ing of small pas-sen-ger vehi-cle cranks-hafts over the com-plete machi-ning of cranks-hafts for light air-craft to one-offs and small-batch manu-fac-ture of large cranks-hafts for sta-tio-nary or marine die-sel engi-nes. The com-bi-na-tion of the uni-ver-sal tur-ning, dril-ling and mil-ling head with power-ful exter-nal mil-ling units com-bi-nes fle-xi-bi-lity of tur-ning, dril-ling and mil-ling ope-ra-ti-ons con-fi-gu-red for cranks-haft machi-ning with high stock remo-val capa-bi-li-ties for machi-ning cranks-haft bea-rings and coun-ter-weights by using large side mil-ling cut-ters. Gun dril-ling, gear hob-bing or hard tur-ning and hard mill/turning pro-ces-ses com-plete the variety of app-li-ca-ti-ons up to semi-finis-hing of har-dened crankshafts.
![Prototyping von Kurbelwellen / Crankshaft Prototyping](
![Prototyping von Kurbelwellen / Crankshaft Prototyping](
![Prototyping von Kurbelwellen / Crankshaft Prototyping](
Added value:
- Effi-ci-ent com-plete machi-ning of cranks-hafts of up to 7,500 mm in length
- Machi-ning of bea-rings and chee-king of coun-ter-weights by means of side mil-ling cut-ter with sepa-rate and
power-ful exter-nal mil-ling unit
- Use for pro-to-typ-ing, one-offs and small-batch machining
- Gun dril-ling, gear hob-bing, hard tur-ning and hard mill-turning