●Estun E21 NC contol System
●Powered Depth Yaxis & Back gauge X-axis
●Inverter contolled back gauge
●HIWIN滾珠絲杠和光桿定位精度0.05毫米●HIMIN Ball screws & Polished rod with 0.05 mm accuracy.
●Plate SupportAms
●Germany Bosch-Rexroth Hydralic
●Germany EMB Tubing connector
●Germany Siemens Main Motor
●Telemecanique/Schneider Electrics
●Hydraulic & Electical overload protection
安全標準( 2006/42/EC) :
●Safety Standards(2006142EC):
●1.en 12622:2009 + a1:2013
●1.EN 12622:2009 + A1:2013
●2.en ISO 12100:2010
●2EN ISO 12100:2010
●3.en機械+ a1:2009
●3.EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009
●Front finger Protection(Safety light curtain)
●South Korea Kacon Foot Switch[Level 4 of safety)
●Back metal safe fence with CE standards
●Safety relay with Monior pedal switch & safety protection