+The machine body is in overall welc structure and ANSYS finite element an; main parts of the machine body for 8 the reliability of machine tool and the I
◆Closed loop control mode compc servo valve imported from Germar ruler is adopted for the main oil to break through the stroke contr bending machines of mechanical stc feed back precision for position of stable operation good synch ronizin repeated positioning precision of gli
+Imported parts are used for all the stopper to ensure the stopping precis mechanism of rear stopper with multi complete functions is employed up to
+Integrated control system imp adopted for the whole hydaulic installation of pipelines and 10 en: well as simple and nice appearance !
+C- -shaped plates are ftted on both and the high- precision grating rul shaped plates thus to avoid the Infue
arising from distortion of machine bov
●The lower workbench is ftted wit mechanism for hydraulic deflection dead zone free compensation wil and long stability guaranteed.
◆The numeric control system refe system special for electric hydrauli of Italian ESA Netherland DELEM or
able to achieve the functions of bending angle copmersation for an calculation and adjustment of ber
calculation of compersation fo extending length of workpieces pressing open distance and autol stopper etc.