本機床是四重式校平機的升級機型。在上、下排校平工作輥與支撐輥(輪)之間各加裝進一排中間輥,構成 上下各三重,共六重的組輥結構。通過中間輥的過渡,支撐輥{輪)的支撐力不直接作用于工作輥,避免了四 重式校平機工作時,在敏感材料表面留下支撐輥{輪)壓痕的現象,zui大程度地保護加工材料的表面狀態(tài)。 主要用于校平鋁板、不銹鋼板、銅板、有色金屬板、不同金屬復合板,涂、鍍、磨工藝金屬板等對板表面要求 較高的板材。校平輥受力分布均勻,結構剛性好,工作輥撓曲變形小,校平精度高。南通特力鋼帶校平機 高速矯平機 薄板校平
This machine is a upgrade machine of 4-high level machine. Add one row middle rollers between upper/ lower level rollers and support rollers, and forming each 3-high of upper and lower, total 6-high group rollers. With the transition of middle rollers, the supporting force of the supporting rollers will not act on the working rollers directly, and protect the material surface situation. This machine is mainly used to level aluminum sheet, stainless sheet, copper sheet, nonferrous, compound, printed, plated, polished metal sheet etc., which have high requirements of the surface during processing. The working rollers whose force is equally-distributed have good rigidity, high accuracy of leveling and almost no deflection deformation.
Can choose optional automatcal pressing-system and work piece which is kept in system. 南通特力鋼帶校平機 高速矯平機 薄板校平
主要技術參數 Specifications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The data in file not as inspection evidence, just reference for model chosen. If any difference with actual data, please refer to manual or technical agreement by both parties. |