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    鏜銑主軸頭配電機 + 自動換刀 + 中心出水

    • 公司名稱揚州惠樂機械裝備有限公司
    • 品       牌景耀/JNYO
    • 型       號XT60-1&2
    • 所  在  地揚州市
    • 廠商性質(zhì)經(jīng)銷商
    • 更新時間 2023-02-14
    • 訪問次數(shù)803
    詢底價 進入展商展臺 點擊查看聯(lián)系電話

    聯(lián)系方式: 王雪峰 查看聯(lián)系方式

    聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 機床商務(wù)網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

      我廠占地面積80000多平方米,其中建筑面積為30000多平方米,我廠現(xiàn)有人員108人,專業(yè)技術(shù)人員由20人,另外還聘有一批組合機床行業(yè)的頂尖人才,形成較強的設(shè)計開發(fā)能力,利用自己生產(chǎn)的通用部件,向國內(nèi)大型企業(yè)提供了一批組合機床及其自動線,如機車行業(yè)的加工構(gòu)架的鏜車組合機床及機車大梁鉆孔生產(chǎn)線,糧食機械行業(yè)的加工磨輥深孔鉆鏜組合機床,五金機械行業(yè)的加工水表殼鉆鏜機床,石油機械行業(yè)的大直徑十字交叉深孔數(shù)控組合機床,油泵油嘴行業(yè)的加工飛錘自動線兩條,建筑行業(yè)的塔機主弦桿(角鋼)自動線五條,一汽大眾 吉利車底盤后扭力梁加工自動線等,此外,我廠還生產(chǎn)制造了缸體缸蓋清洗機、測量機、試漏機等產(chǎn)品,為這些企業(yè)發(fā)展生產(chǎn),提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量提高經(jīng)濟效益都起了良好作用。我廠于2004年通過了ISO9001國際質(zhì)量體系認證。
      我廠現(xiàn)在擁有各種設(shè)備多臺套,其中大型設(shè)備有龍門導(dǎo)軌磨床一臺、單臂導(dǎo)軌磨床二臺、蘇聯(lián)進口1米×2米平磨二臺、 龍門刨床三臺、單臂刨床一臺、龍門銑床五臺、落地鏜銑床一臺、臥式鏜床三臺。
    產(chǎn)地 國產(chǎn) 類型 鏜銑
    XT60-1&amp;2鏜銑主軸頭配電機 + 自動換刀 + 中心出水:主軸頭選用中空油壓打刀缸配合增壓式打刀器使用,專為主軸中心出水而設(shè)計;結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,高速自動換刀的優(yōu)勢。
    鏜銑主軸頭配電機 + 自動換刀 + 中心出水 產(chǎn)品信息

    XT60-1&2鏜銑主軸頭配電機 + 自動換刀 + 中心出水


    XT60-1&2鏜銑主軸頭配電機 + 自動換刀 + 中心出水

    主軸頭選用中空油壓打刀缸配合增壓式打刀器使用,專為主軸中心出水而設(shè)計;結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,高速自動換刀的優(yōu)勢。以壓縮空氣為動力源,油為介質(zhì),將輸入壓力變換,以較高壓力輸出產(chǎn)生強大推力的工作原理。主軸貫通內(nèi)冷裝置,由精密旋轉(zhuǎn)接頭,高壓冷卻裝置組成及冷卻液精過濾裝置組成,是當今 CNC 機床高效加工和保證主軸長效運轉(zhuǎn)的裝置,需選擇與主軸錐度匹配的中空內(nèi)冷專用刀柄、拉釘及刀具。

    The supercharged type cylinder is adopted for the spindle head, so that it has the advantages of compact structure and high-speed automatic tool change. It is mainly applied to the full-automatic equipment, and can realize to store a certain quantity of cutter and automatic tool changer completing the automatic exchange function of cutter by matching the various tool magazines. The processing efficiency of the CNC machine tool is further improved, and one clamping is realized, namely, many processes can be completed; and it is assembled into the CNC milling machine or component of the spindle system in the machining center. The gearbox is composed of the high speed (1:1), neutral gear and low speed (1:4); and the rough 

    machining and finish machining become possible at the same time by virtue of the high and low speed switching which can shift the gear.

    中心出水內(nèi)冷的特點 (Characteristics of internal cooling of CTS)

    As the cooling liquid of the hollow internal cooling spindle is ejected from the cutter, the cooling effect of the cutting part which can directly act on the workpiece and cutter is superior to that of the common spindle, so that the surface quality of the machined part is better. The external cooling is affected by the rotary centrifugal force of the cutter, and most of cooling liquid is thrown away by the cutter, therefore, the cooling effect is bad.


    It is more suitable for the deep hole working. When processing the deep hole, the cooling liquid is transported to the knife handle through the through hole of the spindle center and ejected through the through hole on the cutter,therefore, the cooling effect of the cutting part and workpiece of the cutter is obviously better than that of the external cooling device, and cuttings can be rapidly discharged through the spiral chute of the drill smoothly by virtue of the high-pressure cooling liquid, thus, realizing the continuous cutting, and improving the processing efficiency and cutter endurance.

    The cooling liquid can bring a part of heat through the spindle center hole when the spindle rotates and processes at high speed, which is more beneficial to improving the service lifespan and precision of the spindle, and meanwhile,  being able to avoid the problems of affecting the precision of the machined part due to the thermal deformation of the spindle.








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