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    • 公司名稱北京津發(fā)科技股份有限公司
    • 品       牌
    • 型       號(hào)
    • 所  在  地北京市
    • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
    • 更新時(shí)間 2022-07-19
    • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)1150


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    津發(fā)科技致力于推動(dòng)人因工程與工效學(xué)行業(yè)發(fā)展和青年人才培養(yǎng),2012年起在國(guó)內(nèi)*發(fā)起“科研支持計(jì)劃”,無(wú)償支持人因工程領(lǐng)域青年學(xué)者進(jìn)行科學(xué)研究;2014年*CSIP 與津發(fā)科技聯(lián)合共建“*CSIP-津發(fā)人因工程技術(shù)創(chuàng)新中心”持續(xù)進(jìn)行技術(shù)研發(fā)和基礎(chǔ)及應(yīng)用創(chuàng)新研究; 2016年起聯(lián)合中國(guó)人類工效學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)發(fā)起“工效學(xué)*研究工程”并設(shè)立“CES-Kingfar基金(工效學(xué)會(huì)-津發(fā)優(yōu)秀青年學(xué)者聯(lián)合研究基金CES‐Kingfar Excellent Young Scholar Joint Research Funding)”借鑒國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金的評(píng)審標(biāo)準(zhǔn)對(duì)特別優(yōu)秀的青年學(xué)者研究計(jì)劃書予以資助;2017年起聯(lián)合*高等教育司設(shè)立“人因與工效學(xué)”產(chǎn)學(xué)合作協(xié)同育人項(xiàng)目,并由高教司發(fā)布申報(bào)指南和立項(xiàng)名單;2019年起與工效學(xué)聯(lián)合會(huì)(IEA)設(shè)立獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)The IEA/Kingfar HFE Research Award“人因與工效學(xué)*研究獎(jiǎng)”,旨在表彰世界各地為解決發(fā)展中國(guó)家典型人因工程問(wèn)題而取得的高質(zhì)量人因工程與工效學(xué)研究成果的個(gè)人,以期改善發(fā)展中國(guó)家人民的福祉; 2020年起聯(lián)合主辦HFE AWARD全國(guó)人因與工效學(xué)創(chuàng)新大賽。

    產(chǎn)地 進(jìn)口
    Using the BAPPU Anemometer air movements or draughts as well
    as power characteristics of exhaust pumps in laboratories may be
    Because of the unique combination of BAPPU measurements
    BAPPU作業(yè)環(huán)境分析系統(tǒng) 產(chǎn)品信息

    Using the BAPPU Anemometer air movements or draughts as well
    as power characteristics of exhaust pumps in laboratories may be
    Because of the unique combination of BAPPU measurements
    furthermore the cosyness* in office rooms may conveniently
    examined. (*As requierd in german laws and safety ordonnances.)
    The device has to be connected via BAPPU`s serial
    interface and is automatically switched on by the
    activities on the interface. The lighting of a red luminescent
    diode marks readiness for use.
    The connection of a special adaptor facilitates the
    simultaneous data transfer to BAPPU and from BAPPU
    to a PC so that long term recordings may be carried out
    without problems.
    As already known from BAPPU standard unit in general
    great importance was attached to a simple and
    practically orientated operation.
    Caused by the increasing use of air conditions or aerators in offices
    and administration espacially in this sector the seize of air
    movements has become more and more important.
    Beside the “stand alone“ recording of draught values in traditional
    working areas first the combination of the measurements temperature,
    rel. humitdity and air velocity as realized in the BAPPU
    conception facilitates their assessment and classifying in analyses
    as requierd by health protection ordonnances*. (*In germany)
    In dependency to the factors temperature and humidity draught may
    be felt as unpleasant even if air velocity is low. The BAPPUanemometer
    therefore has been developed for the recording of
    even very modest air velocities. (Range 0,0 m/sec - 5 m/sec).
    To guaranty a most simple and convenient operation the measuring
    feeler of the anemometer was designed as a ball. This permtits air
    velocity measurements almost indipendently from the direction of
    the air stream.
    The measuring-section “air velocity” embraces 4 single measurements.
    Beside the seize of current values 3 averages over 3 minutes
    may be ascertained in different altitudes, corresponding to the most
    draught-sensitive areas of the human body (ankle, pelvis and neck) .
    The operation of measurments as well as all other functions
    (”Hold”, “Function”...) correspond to the proceeding when working
    with the basic BAPPU device.
    To carry out air velocity measurements conveniently a stopwatch
    was integrated to check the run of the requierd 3
    minutes for the singele measurements. “Run” is on
    display until the necessary duration is over.
    Beside the recorded air velocity value the
    parameter “temperature in °C” (measured in the air stream by a
    seperate feeler) which is necessary for the assessement of the
    measurement, is represented on the instruments display.
    All recorded data is clearly shown on the display and confrontated
    to their thresholds as determined in health and safety regulations.
    These thresholds may be entered by the user himself based on
    the requierments published in national laws. The result of the
    examination is represented on the display (value in recommended
    range, value tolerable, value non conform) and
    supported by the lighting of a luminescent diode in traffic colours.
    To be able to execute averages over a 3 minutes duration or longterm
    recordings with the additional PC software BAPPU-Time the
    anemometer has been equipped with a tripod-fastener on the
    instruments back side.
    A table stand is part of
    the delivery.
    In case of an afterwards
    of a BAPPU
    device with a thermo-
    the transport case
    will be modified as
    represented in the
    Illustr.: BAPPU,
    and equipment
    in shockresistant
    ABS transportation
    Adding the BAPPU anemometer integrates a further measuring
    section into the BAPPU-conception. Air velocity may now be
    measured reliable within orientational measurements.
    The immediat assessement of recordings by comparison to user
    edited thresholds on the display is carried out in the same manner
    as already known from the basic device measurements.









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