Pro-duc-tion lines for the machi-ning of power-train components
- Rea-liz-a-tion of com-plete pro-duc-tion lines – from inquiry to turn-key handover
- Coor-di-na-tion & exe-cu-tion of all necessary subsections
- Pro-ject manage-ment & pro-ject financing
- Manu-fac-tu-ring tech-no-logy & test planning
- Auto-ma-tion con-cepts & pro-cess simulation
- Lay-out, hall & media planning
- Equip-ment plan-ning & procurement
- Ship-ping logistics & customs
- Instal-la-tion, com-mis-sio-ning & start-up support
- Qua-lity moni-to-ring, per-for-mance tests & acceptance
- Turn-key service
- Tech-no-logy chan-ges & retooling
- Line rebuilds & extensions
- Ser-vice calls & spare parts
Manu-fac-tu-ring lines for the machi-ning of power-train com-pon-ents
Added value
- Over-all pro-ject respon-si-bi-lity at NSH Group
- High pro-por-tion of own NSH machines
- One con-tact per-son for cus-to-mers and suppliers
throughout the project - Great tech-ni-cal and tech-no-lo-gi-cal experience
of the NSH Group in the turn-key business - Cus-to-mi-zed, modu-lar and highly fle-xi-ble manu-fac-tu-ring con-cepts & plants
- Hig-hest pro-duc-ti-vity through ide-ally coor-di-na-ted systems
- Coope-ra-tion with lea-ding com-pa-nies in machine tool manu-fac-tu-ring, auto-ma-tion tech-no-logy, mea-su-ring & tes-ting tech-no-logy and sup-ply engineering
Plan-ning and imple-men-ta-tion of com-plete manu-fac-tu-ring lines for cranks-hafts, cam-shafts, and gear com-pon-ents