Modular system:
The NILES-SIMMONS CNC Tur-ning and Mil-ling Cen-tres enable you to manage effi-ci-ent, fle-xi-ble, high-pre-cision and ope-ra-tor-friendly com-plete machi-ning of large size and rota-tio-nally sym-metri-cal work pie-ces in one setup. The MC-series ran-ges bet-ween sizes N20 MC through N60 MC and can be con-fi-gu-red as sin-gle slide or multi slide machi-nes. Thanks to the modu-lar buil-ding-block sys-tem, a variety of machi-ning units can be added to offer utmost fle-xi-bi-lity. Based on the MC-series lathes, effi-ci-ency of your pro-cess can be enhan-ced and through-put times reduced.
N20 MC | N30 MC | N40 MC | N50 MC | N 60MC |
Tur-ning diameter: | ||||
650mm | 880 mm | 1100mm | 1250mm | 1500mm |
Tur-ning length: | ||||
1000 – 3500mm | 1500 – 4500mm | 1000 – 6000mm | 2000mm – 7500mm | 2000mm – 7500mm |
![Dreh-Fr?s-Zentrum / Turn & Mill Center](https://img77.jc35.com/a0e727e8d93ff737b5e8299cea8dc456c872f328b652ab8cfca1385acf20b97f61cbc1b0951998fa.png)
Added value:
- Utmost fle-xi-bi-lity thanks to modu-lar buil-ding block concept
- Varia-ble Multi-Slide Con-cepts with inde-pen-dent tech-no-logy modules
- Cus-to-mi-zed solu-ti-ons for work pie-ces up to 7,500mm in length and 1,500mm in diameter
- Com-plete machi-ning of com-plex work pie-ces by pro-cess com-bi-na-ti-ons of:
- Tur-ning, Tra-ori Turning
- Mil-ling / Turn-mil-ling/ 5?Axis milling
- Dril-ling / Deep Hole Drilling/ ID Machi-ning with Boring Quill
- Gear hob-bing
- Grin-ding
- Part Pro-bing
- Smart Fac-tory com-pon-ents for inte-gra-ted production
- Pro-cess moni-to-ring /Condition monitoring
- Auto-ma-tic tool and work-piece handling
- CAD/CAM Top Solid, NX
![Dreh-Fr?s-Zentrum / Turn & Mill Center](https://img77.jc35.com/a0e727e8d93ff737b5e8299cea8dc45641fb045262910ca842e993a5981bee37f607c34b3660a8bd.png)
Extension of the machining centre with technology modules:
- Duplo machine with second turning-milling-unit
- Boring Bar Slide with boring bar magazine
- Coun-ter spindle also as pick-up spindle
- Cranks-hat mil-ling unit
- Boring Quill with tool head change
- Up to three steady rest slides
- Unders-lide with tool turret
- Unders-lide with auto-ma-tic tool change
- Tailstock/counter spindle on the supe-rior slideway
- Addi-tio-nal NC axis in the tool for the con-trol cutting-edge
Technology options:
- Adap-t-ation of sys-tem boring barst o rotary mil-ling unit
- Ejec-tor deep hole drilling
- Bur-nis-hing- and deep rol-ling with force monitoring
- Gear hob-bing, hob-bing, skiving
- Shaping, gear shaping
- wall thic-kness measurement
- Work-piece mea-su-ring swit-ching or scan-ning probe
- Tool mea-su-ring with swit-ching probe or laser
- Pro-tec-tion Con-trol Sys-tem (PCS)
- Post-pro-ces-sors Top Solid and NX