牛頭式數控電火花機EZ- 540CNC
■The anti deformation main body hired above class HT300 premium ast-iron with heat treatment and natural aging process.
■ The high-precision LM guide of 3-axds brought smooth movement and complete shield to prolong the ifetime of precision degree.
■Predision degree is guaranteed with precision position control by linear scale signal.
■Pich calbration process brought higher precision degree of the position selecion.
■Predision degree ifetime is prolonged due to pressure release type lbrication pump send evenly the lubricant ail to sliding faces of each ads.
■Repetition precision degree is guaranteed by precision preload ball acrew on 3-axis.
■Ifyou choose the oplion of machining liquid ooling system, it will be better to get high precision machining dueto the machining object is free from lquid temperature change.
■Perct structure by superior design prevents delormation fundamentally, this makes higher precision machining and higher productivity in stable machining.
牛頭式數控電火花機EZ- 540CNC