100kg… 3t, Type D1/C3/C6
1. Easy to install
2. Easy corner adjustment by matched load cell outputs
3. Full stainless steel construction
4. Wide temperature range
5. Resistant against vibration
6. Hermetically sealed, IP 68 (depth of 1.5m for 10,000 hrs.), IP 69K
7. Ex-version available
8. W& M approval (acc. to OIML R 60)
Technical Data D1 C3 C6
Accuracy class 0.04 0.015 0.008% Emax
Minimum dead load lowest limit of specified measuring range Emin 0 0 0 % Emax
Maximum capacity highest limit of specified measuring range Emax s. table s. table s. table
Max. usable load upper limit for measurements Eu 150 150 150 % Emax
Destructive load danger of mechanical destruction Ed > 300 > 300 > 300 % Emax
Min. LC minimum load cell verification interval, (vmin= Emax/Y) Y 5,000 14,000 20,000
verification interval
Rated output relative output at nominal load Cn 2 2 2 mV/V
Tolerance on rated output permissible deviation from rated output dc < 0.25 < 0.07 < 0.07 % Cn
Zero output signal load cell output signal under unloaded condition Smin < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 % Cn
Repeatability error max. change in load cell output for repeated loading εR < 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 % Cn
Creep, during 30 min. max. change in load cell output under nominal load dcr < 0.03 < 0.015 < 0.008% Cn
Non-Linearity max. deviation from best straight line through zero dLin < 0.03 < 0.01 < 0.01 % Cn
Hysteresis max. difference in load cell output when loading from dhy < 0.04 < 0.015 < 0.008% Cn
zero to nominal load and unloading back to zero
Temperature effect on Smin max. change of Smin/10K DT over BT referred to Cn TKSmin < 0.028 < 0.01 < 0.007 % Cn/10K
Temperature effect on C max. change of C /10K DT over BT referred to Cn TKc < 0.03 < 0.01 < 0.005 % Cn/10K
Input impedance between supply terminals RLC 650 ± 6 650 ± 6 650 ± 6
Output impedance between measuring terminals RO 610 ± 1 610 ± 0.5 610 ± 0.5 Ω
Insulation impedance between measuring circuit and housing 100VDC RIS > 5,000 > 5,000 > 5,000 MΩ
Recommended to hold the specified performance Bu 4… 24 4… 24 4… 24 V
supply voltage supply voltage
Max. supply voltage permissible for continuous operation without damage Umax 25 25 25 V
Nominal ambient to hold the specified performance BT -10… +55 -10… +55 -10… +55 ° C
temp. range
Usable ambient permissible for continuous operation without damage BTu -40… +95 -40… +95 -40… +95 ° C
temp. range
Type Nominal Load Emax Version Ex-Version Packing Weight gross/net
PR 6246/12.. 100kg /..D1 /..D1E 220 x 215 x 135mm 1.2kg/0.8kg
PR 6246/22.. 200kg /..D1/..C3/..C6 /..D1E/..C3E/C6E 220 x 215 x 135mm 1.2kg/0.8kg
PR 6246/32.. 300kg /..D1/..C3/..C6 /..D1E/..C3E/C6E 220 x 215 x 135mm 1.2kg/0.8kg
PR 6246/52.. 500kg /..D1/..C3/..C6 /..D1E/..C3E/C6E 220 x 215 x 135mm 1,2kg/0.8kg
PR 6246/13.. 1t /..D1/..C3/..C6 /..D1E/..C3E/C6E 220 x 215 x 135mm 1.9kg/0.8kg
PR 6246/23.. 2t /..D1/..C3/..C6 /..D1E/..C3E/C6E 220 x 215 x 135mm 2.1kg/1.6kg
PR 6246/33.. 3t /..D1/..C3/..C6 /..D1E/..C3E/C6E 220 x 215 x 135mm 2.1kg/1.7kg