1. Proven rocker-pin principle
2. Easy Corner adjustment by matched load cell outputs
3. Full stainless steel construction
4. Wide operating temperature range
5. High overload capacity
6. Resistant against vibration
7. Hermetically sealed, IP68 (depth of 1.5m for 10,000 hours), IP69K, (equiv. NEMA 6)
8. Ex-version available (PR 6202/..E)
9. W & M approval (acc. to OIML R60)
10. Meets EHEDG requirements
11. Registered Design Nos.
EU 000 210 349-0001/-0002
JP 2005 - 478
US 22/222, 249
Technical Data C1 C3 C4
Accuracy class 0.03 0.015 0.012 % Emax
Minimum dead load lowest limit of specified measuring range Emin 0 0 0 % Emax
Rated capacity highest limit of specified measuring range Emax s. table s. table s. table
Max. usable load upper limit of measurements Eu 150 150 150 % Emax
Destructive load danger of mechanical destruction Ed > 300 > 300 > 300 % Emax
Minimum LC verification minimum load cell verification interval, vmin = Emax/Y Y 5,000 14,000 16,000
for Emax = 2t 5,000 10,000 -