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    • 公司名稱黃山鐵人泵業(yè)有限公司
    • 品       牌
    • 型       號
    • 所  在  地黃山市
    • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
    • 更新時間 2022-08-04
    • 訪問次數(shù)368


    布局形式 臥式 產(chǎn)地 國產(chǎn)
    工作溫度 常溫 類型 油泵
    流量 1~2500m3/h 售后保修期 18個月
    銷售區(qū)域 全國,華東,華南,華北,華中,東北,西南,西北,港澳臺,海外 揚程 1~1000m
    HWL2-1W1鐵人泵業(yè)-螺桿泵圖紙 產(chǎn)品信息

    HWL2-1W1鐵人泵業(yè)-螺桿泵圖紙————網(wǎng)上找螺桿泵很糾結(jié)?選擇太多?真假難辨?價格沒底?——找杜工不糾結(jié),專注螺桿泵15年,手機,,,, HSA series three screw pump according to market demand is ourspecially designed and developed a high efficiency, low noise, usewide, long life products, this series of products of simplestructure, to meet the requirements of the original three-screwpump used at the same time , but also able to meet the highrotation, low viscosity conditions of the conditions is the idealreplacement product for existing products. Products designed andmanufactured in accordance with GB/T10886-2002.
    Structural characteristics
    1、HSA series three screw pump by special shape of screw-typesurface composition, is an advanced displacement pump. Work, takethe initiative to screw driven by a prime mover in the rotation,the movement of liquid from the sealed chamber along the axis ofimports has been inhaled and continuous pulse-free delivery to theexit. Throughout the transfer process, due to the volume of sealedchamber did not change, of the transmission medium is notcompressed, so the pump runs smoothly, low noise, little vibration,flow rate are stable;
    2、Lord, slave screw with axial low-pressure balance. Lord, inoperation in the slave screw is in tension, thus screw easydeformation driven by fluid pressure-driven rotary screw, master,slave screw between the non-contact, so no wear and tear screw;
    3、Innovative structural design, to meet the performancerequirements under the premise of simplifying the overall design,simple structure, compact;
    4、Pump by external aluminum layer inside the copper complex will bedesigned to pay for copper material as the friction material toimprove wear resistance and anti-bite, and improving use of theproduct performance, extend the life and expand the use of theproduct;
    5、On the pump casting technology of innovative design, according tocopper, aluminum melting point of difference and using precisioncasting and pressure casting pump means to achieve the compositecasting, to meet the design requirements;
    6、Positioning block used to locate the main rod bearings, whilepump body bore holes at the same time and location of the fixedblock machined to improve the reliability and operation ofpositioning stability, while extending the life of the product;
    7、In the design installation of forms, according to the usersrequirements change, in the import and export direction every 90 °of the rotation angle can be arbitrarily arranged to enhance theapplicability of the pump unit, and more fit the users use of;
    8、Skeleton oil seal mechanical seals and dual seal design to reduceleakage rates, to ensure the normal product use and stability;
    9、As the structure to simplify design, installation, demolition,and maintenance on a very convenient.
    NO.2 Parameters
    2、working pressure:≤1.6MPa
    4、working temperature:0--150℃
    6、the high of suction:≤8m
    NO.3Model code
    Structural characteristics and Seal Type:HSA Series Screw forbracket-mounted, bearing built-in, mechanical seal
    Installation Type:There are A, B two kinds of installation form, Ais expressed by the end of foot to install support for the fixedinstallation units, B is expressed by the electrical installationof a fixed bolt fixed installation units;
    Valve requirements:Unsigned (base form) said not to install safetyvalves, the symbols A, said installation of safety valve;
    N0.4A few tips on pump selection
    1、Please select the appropriate rotational speed in accordancewith the viscosity of the liquid, so as to ensure that NPSHr of thepump can meet the practical suction conditions of our customers.
    2、If the medium viscosity exceeds the range on the performancetable, please contact our technology department. We will alwaysprovide you with satisfactory service.
    3、After the pump selection, please ask for the measurements of thepump and the electrical machinery unit’s accessories for the basicconstruction design.
    4、Whether we will deploy the safety valve depends on customer’srequest and the safety valve only protect the pump for a instant,can not be the overflow valve of conduit.
    Please provide the following data when you order pumps
    The structure type of the pump
    The working flux of the pump-Q
    The inlet pressure (or the vacuum degree)of the pump-P1
    The outlet pressure of the pump-P2
    The working temperature of the medium-T
    The medium viscosity at the working temperature-v
    The feature of the medium
    Whether the electrical machinery is anti-explosive
    The demands for accessorie
    The HSA series pumpperformance tables









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