Donguanxinguofeng Machinery Co. 1.od is a Taiwan jont ventre high-tech enterprise,located in Dongguancty a famous manufactrin ity .Mainly engaged in high-end CNCmachine toolR& D,production and sales.Products include: CNC gantry iling machine,CNC ganty planelral way rner, horizontalgrinder,machining cener, as wl as avarielyof non-standardspecal machine toos.The produothas thecharacleritics of highrigidity,high precision,high eficiency an high ostperormanc.Afer more than 20 years ofcontinuous development and innovation, xinguofeng machinery has established a good reputation in the market.
In orderto improve the productqulity, the company spared no efforto ntroduce seniortechnicaltalents andivested a lotinR& Dexpenses.Atpresent.the company hasobtained anunmber of ationalivention patents, dozens ofutilty model atents, hree Taivan patents andfive computersoftware copyights. At the sametim ,the companysuccesstlly passedthenationalhigh-tech enterprise certification, ISo intermational ualty system certication and itellectual property management sysem certfication.
ourmachinetols are mainlyused in age mold manufacuring,arerospaoce, high-speedrll atspocessing, new enegy equipment manfoacturing,eroleum machinery and othermachinery and equipment manufacturing.
The company adheres to the business philosophyof 'surival byquliy nd development by reputation , nd gives back to customers with eter qulity and service.
Xinguofeng yesterday depends on your love, xinguofeng tomorrow needs your support! Your satisfaction will be our constant pursuit!